Sunday, June 8, 2014

Samsung GALAXY S3 XXDLI1 firmware leaked

New another day, new Samsung Galaxy S III Android 4.1.1. Firmware leaked. Today there is again a new fimrware leaked, this is called XXDLI1. I thought so yesterday, the leaked XXDLH4 perhaps is the "final" version of Android 4.1 for the Samsung Galaxy S3, but Samsung surprised me today, in which they release again XXDLI1 firmware version, a new firmware for the Samsung Galaxy S III is already done

Slowly but sure the Android 4.1 firmware versions for the Samsung Galaxy S III like mushrooms. The distances of the appearance of a new firmware are getting shorter, now is perhaps really the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean rollout for the Samsung Galaxy S3 just around the corner? One suspects so still that the update still wants to offer Samsung at IFA 2012th

Well, only minor bugs are eliminated on Android 4.1 Update for Galaxy S III but further enhance on the performance. Because too much change now probably mean nothing now. But the firmware XXDLI1 leaked is already suitable for everyday use. So who is have experience in flashing, can flash this firmware on his Samsung Galaxy S III.


galaxy s3 xxdli1 firmware leaked

I think now it can really not in a long time again the Android 4.1 Update will be rolled out for the Samsung Galaxy S III. Yes most of it is, when many firmware leaks occur within a short time, then the "final" version will follow. Lets see the official release of the Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1.  You can download the XXDLI1 firmware here

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